Hey Obi
(too old to reply)
2005-05-24 15:53:22 UTC
In Group: news:buh.shit Date: Tue, May 17, 2005, 6:24pm (MDT+6)
Cindy emailed me on the computer. I'll send
it to you. She wants us to keep this shit hole
going till she returns.Wadda ya think???
Does she want us to change her tampon
for her too?
I doubt it....she changed it just last year, and it doesn't get that
much use any more.
Hey now...You fuckers better behave yourselves.

My diobolical plan to rule the world will include personal
ass-whoopin's personally designed for all that think they can keep up
with me.
[img]_ _ _ ________
________ _________ ___
*o u t r a g e o u s
*_"Building newsgroups, crosspost by crosspost."
*~ Voted KING oƒ Usenet 2003-2004 ~
Ootikof.Net :: phpBB board
2005-08-10 16:28:48 UTC
Come discuss your plans for world domination at

On 24 May 2005 08:53:22 -0700, "maidenofmayhem"
Post by maidenofmayhem
In Group: news:buh.shit Date: Tue, May 17, 2005, 6:24pm (MDT+6)
Cindy emailed me on the computer. I'll send
it to you. She wants us to keep this shit hole
going till she returns.Wadda ya think???
Does she want us to change her tampon
for her too?
I doubt it....she changed it just last year, and it doesn't get that
much use any more.
Hey now...You fuckers better behave yourselves.
My diobolical plan to rule the world will include personal
ass-whoopin's personally designed for all that think they can keep up
with me.
[img]_ _ _ ________
________ _________ ___
*o u t r a g e o u s
*_"Building newsgroups, crosspost by crosspost."
*~ Voted KING o? Usenet 2003-2004 ~
Ootikof.Net :: phpBB board
Sir Obi ~ Sigzilla oƒ OOTIKOF
2005-08-23 11:50:00 UTC
Post by Jebusville
Come discuss your plans for world domination
at http://forums.jebusville.com
And just exactly why would I let you in on MY plans???

Are you fucking fucking crazy???

